Superb Health Benefits And Natural Resources of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a hormone, which is essential for calcium absorption and is particularly good for the bones. It is mainly synthesized in the skin when it is exposed to UVB light. This is present in the sunlight. Deficiency of vitamin D can lead to several diseases because it is essential for the normal functioning of each and every cell in the body. Let us go through the major health benefits and the natural resources of this wonderful vitamin.
Health benefits:
1. Indispensable for keeping the bones powerful:
Calcium is necessary to keep the bones strong and healthy. But one must remember here that it is this vitamin which helps in the deposition of calcium in the bones and thus helps in keeping the bones stronger. One must remember that a deficiency of D vitamin will result in reduction/stopping of calcium deposition in the bones. It will result in withdrawal of calcium from the bones into the blood stream and result in weak bones which are easily susceptible to fractures.
2. Fundamental for tough muscles:
Research shows that this vitamin is useful in keeping muscles stronger and healthier. In fact, it has been found that athletes who have the deficiency of vitamin D have weak muscles and commonly suffers from Type 2 muscle fibre atrophy.
3. Excellent for the heart:
Though the exact mechanism is not known it has been found that it helps keep the blood pressure under control and also improves the elasticity of the blood vessels and thus is found to be good for the heart. It thus prevents the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
4. Superb for diabetics:

It is found to improve glycemic control. It is also found to improve insulin sensitivity. Therefore, it is good for diabetics. It is found to prevent type 2 diabetes which is responsible for a number of diseases.
5. Known to reduce the risk of cancer:
It is known to prevent the growth of cancerous cells. It prevents cancers like that of the breast, colon, ovaries, prostrate etc. It also helps in preventing the spread of cancer from one organ to another.
Natural sources:
1. Sunshine:
This is definitely the best natural source. When skin is exposed to sunlight the UVB radiations from the sunlight in the form of pre-vitamin D is sent into the bloodstream. From there it is sent to the liver where it is converted into D vitamin. Hence, regular exposure to morning sunlight is a must.
2. Fish:
Fish especially fatty fish are a good source of this vitamin. Consume Salmons, tuna, eel, mackerel etc. They also provide omega 3 fatty acids.
3. Egg Yolks:
The yolk of an egg contains about 40 IUs of the vitamin. Hence, it is one of the few natural resources of it.
4. Beef liver:
Cooked beef liver contains about 50 IUs of this vitamin. It has other important nutrients like vitamin A, proteins and iron as well.
5. Cod liver oil:
Cod liver oil contains high amounts of vitamin D and hence is one of the best sources for vitamin D.
In addition to natural sources, one can get vitamin D from other products like fortified cereals, fortified milk, vitamin D supplements etc. Remember that this vitamin is very important for a healthy body and hence one must take precautions and prevent its deficiency.
Superb Health Benefits And Natural Resources of Vitamin D  Superb Health Benefits And Natural Resources of Vitamin D Reviewed by Unknown on 17:06:00 Rating: 5
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